Flood displaced need help now

Flood displaced need help now
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Severe flooding in Karen State has displaced tens of thousands as the Emergency Assistance and Relief Team (EART) calls for help to deliver aid to those families worst affected.

Since late July, over 33,000 people have been displaced due to the flooding in Karen State, Burma.

Hundreds of families have had their homes completely destroyed, as floodwaters ruined rice fields, contaminated water supplies and food stocks, leaving thousands without access to adequate food supplies for the coming year.

Lack of communication and access to remote areas may mean that the real figure of those severely affected could be much higher.

In Kwee Ler Shu village, for example, around 100 people lost their homes and their plantations, and thus their livelihoods.

EART is comprised of the Back Pack Health Worker Team, Burma Medical Association, the Karen Women’s Organization and Mae Tao Clinic.

Staff from EART are already on the ground, gathering information on the extent of the damage caused by the floods.

EART has identified that rice rations are a priority item needed by those affected. Clothes, mosquito nets, blankets, building supplies and cooking utensils have also been identified as essential to assisting victims.

“EART is prioritising the distribution of rice to the families most in need” the group said in a statement to the press, but funds currently available are “extremely limited” leaving families without any support at all. “Assistance from individuals and organisations are therefore urgently requested” the group said, “there are also significant concerns about the longer term impacts of the destruction of harvests which will leave families at risk of chronic malnutrition.”

To make a donation, please make a bank transfer to the EART account and email [email protected] to advise them of the donation. Bank Name: Bangkok Bank
Branch: Mae Sot Bank Address: 957, Moo. 2, Mae Pha, Mae Sot, Tak –63110, Thailand
Account Name: Warin Prawintnopphakhun
and Win Kyaw N/A and Chit Win N/A