Klo and Kweh Rocks Canada

Klo and Kweh Rocks Canada
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Karen musicians from across Burma and performing under the name the Klo and Kweh Music Team arrived in Canada for series of performances this month.

Klo-and-Kweh-music-team-arrival-and-meetingThe nine member Klo and Kweh Music Team now touring Canada includes the respected and well know players Winston, Win Htwe, Bo Tauk, Boy, Stephen and singers Marvelous, Smaller, Linda and Hackett.

The music team kicked off its eight city cross-country tour in Vancouver on May 12 and will end in Toronto on June 29.

Hundreds of enthusiastic fans, including young children, waited at the airport to welcome their music idols to Canada.

Tharamu Candy Marvel, one of the main organisers of the tour said.

“The Karen Community in British Columbia is honoured to be the first host community to welcome the Klo & Kweh Music Team on its first historical trip to Canada. The Karen Community Society of B.C. and Bethesda Karen Baptist Church of Langley have been collaboratively preparing for the arrival of KKMT and the experience has been truly satisfying.”

The Karen Baptist Fellowship of Canada, a nation-wide umbrella Christian Organization, is the official sponsor of the Klo and Kweh tour. Its chairman, Pastor Wah Lah, said the objective of the music tour was to bring all Karen people living in Canada together. “Even though this historical tour was organized by the KBFC, the main goal is to have fellowship with all the Karen people here in Canada”.

Pastor Wah Lah urged Karen people living in Canada to support the music tour.

“Music breaks barriers, motivates people and revives our souls. Regardless of your religious backgrounds, I encourage all the Karen here in Canada to welcome Klo and Kweh on their historical tour.”

Slone Phan, an executive member of the Karen Canadian Community said.

“In Burma, it is very difficult to see live shows. We are very fortunate to see a Klo and Kweh live show here in Canada and meet them face to face.”

Slone Phan urged Karen communities across Canada to work together with love, solidarity and unity to welcome the Klo and Kweh music team to Canada.

For more information please visit https://www.facebook.com/klokwehmusic