Celebrated Karen artist Zwekabin Kyaw Lay immortalised

Celebrated Karen artist Zwekabin Kyaw Lay immortalised
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On February 18 a ceremony was held to celebrate the life of a famous Karen artist, Zwekabin Kyaw Lay.

Statue-of-Zwekabin-Kyaw-laySaw Yar Haung said that Zwekabin Kyaw Lay had traveled extensively and educated the Karen people through his art in spite of various difficulties he faced. Because he sacrificed his life and was a thoughtful person, he was acknowledged as a Karen artist martyr.

The celebration, which lasted for 3 hours, saw more than 300 people attend. A talk was given on his life, and songs were sung by Karen artists in his honor.

The ceremony was attended by a senator from the Phalon-Sawaw Democratic Party, Saw Aung Kyaw Naing, Saw Lone Shin, as well as Zwekabin Kyaw Lay’s colleagues and his disciples – Karen artists, and monks.

Saw Yar Haung, the chairman of the committee that had organized the building of the statue and a friend and teacher of Zawkabin Kyaw Lay, told Karen News that he was very pleased the statue had been built.

“Our Karen artists organize and form a committee and we intended to build this statue in order to honour him and by letting the next generations know.”

Zawkabin Kyaw Lay graduated from Yangoon Pandra School [musical school] in 1964, and a drama entitled “Kalosay Kalotun [golden drum and silver drum]” ran from 1971-1973 at Don Yin waterfall, Pa-an Township. In 1974, he studied Karen drama in Kawkareik Township. He formed and led the Karen aesthetics drama group in 1976-1986 and he passed away on February 22, 1988. He produced Karen songs, 50 scripts, and a will.

A memorial statue that was built in honor.

He passed away in Don Yin village, Pa-an Township. The statue was built at Lone Ma Ni garden, at the base of Zwekabin mountain.