Burma Army truck blows-up – two dead

Burma Army truck blows-up – two dead
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A Burma Army supply truck was hit by a mine on Tuesday evening in Tantabin Township, Toungoo District, eyewitnesses said the explosion left two injured and two dead.

SPDCThe blown-up truck was from the 4th Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) under the command of Deputy Colonel Ye Thwin Aung under the 66th Division. The accident happened as a convoy of 20 army trucks were transporting supplies from Baw-ga-li to Bu Shar Kee to front-line based camps.

A Karen National Liberation Army source [who asked not to be named from Brigade 2, Toungoo District told Karen News. “The truck was hit by an old land mine. The place was a restricted area that the truck was driving through. It takes one-day to walk down to the Ka Lae Lar Camp. It is inaccessible for trucks to transport to Ka Lae Lar camp. To get to the explosion site is only possible by foot or by using donkey.”

The Burma Army has not released any information related to the incident as yet, the two injured land mine victims were sent back to Ka Lae Lar Burma Army camp Tuesday afternoon.

An KNLA Brigade 2 source said that the Burma Army at Tantabin Township sent 200 donkeys to Tha Pye Nyunt camp to use to transport its rations to Play Hsa Loh camp.

Burma Army Battalions, under Division 66, Light Infantry Battalion 4, 10, 108 and Infantry Battalion 14, 35, 80 are operating from Ka Lae Lar camp through to the Bu Shar Kee camp in the Toungoo area.

In defiance to agreed ceasefire arrnagements with the Karen National Union the Burma Army ordered two civilian pickup trucks from Ka Lae Lar village to transport its army rations to its camps.