KNU President General Tamla Baw resigns and urges Congress to elect ‘right leaders’…

KNU President General Tamla Baw resigns and urges Congress to elect ‘right leaders’…
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General Tamla Baw, the Karen National Union’s President resigned on the first day of the KNU’s 15th Congress held at Lay Wah Camp, Hlaing Bwe Towhship in Karen State. General Tamla Baw, who had a long and distinguish career as a soldier said in his opening speech at the KNU Congress.

KNU-chairman-General-Tamla-Baw-300x199“I will resign at this Congress. I advise those who remain working in the KNU, that they have to work in the right way and to develop and bring on the new leaders. When electing new leaders at this Congress, please elect the right people who have the ability and the intelligence to analyze the political situations. Leaders are not those who are followers but can lead the people.”

In his opening speech, General Tamla Baw, stressed that, “the KNU is the Karen national revolutionary organization and is working hand-in-hand with all people for the emergence of peace. In this case we should not blame and oppose our heroes who sacrificed their lives during our struggle.”

The KNU 15th Congress has asked President General Tamla Baw and Padoh David Tha K’paw to take on the chair and the KNU General Secretary, Naw Zipporah Sein, the 1st Secretary P’doh Saw Hla Ngwe and 2nd Secretary P’doh Saw Dot Lay Mu to be the Congress facilitators.

Attending the Congress will be all KNU districts, seven military Brigades, the General Headquarter, KNLA Headquarter representatives and representatives from Karen communities inside Burma and from outside the country – all together there 175 people will attend.

The Congress will hear statements from a diverse range of representatives that include the Karen State culture and literature, the Abbot of Taung Kalay, former political prisoner, Min Ko Naing, the leader of the 88 New Generation, the Australian Karen Organization, the National Democratic Front, the United National Federation Council, the National League for Democracy (Liberation Area), the Arakhine Liberation Front and the European Karen Network.

The daughter of the charismatic Karen hero and martyr, Saw Ba U Gyi, Thelma Gyi will also attend and speak at the Congress. The Congress is due to finish on December 7th.