KNU and Govt need more time to finalize ceasefire code of conduct

KNU and Govt need more time to finalize ceasefire code of conduct
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The Karen National Union announced in a media statement that its third round of ‘peace-talks’ with the Burmese Government was a success and the two sides will meet again later this year.

KNU-and-Government-at-3rd-round-peace-talkThe KNU official statement was released on September 4 after the latest ‘peace-talks’ held in Hpa-An Town, two days ago.

Naw May Oo Mutraw, a spokesperson with the KNU negotiation team told Karen News.

“It is really important for Karen civilians to know the results of the ‘peace-talk’ negotiations. We will continue to release statements to inform Karen people.

Naw May Oo Mutraw said the KNU would try to negotiate in the ‘peace-talk’ in accordance with what Karen civilians want.

The KNU statement reported that both sides discussed in detail a ‘ceasefire code of conduct’, issues related to the security of civilians, organizing local ceasefire monitoring teams and the relocation of Burma army outposts. The statement acknowledged that both sides could not reach a final agreement on the ceasefire ‘code of conduct’ but agreed to discuss it again in the next round of ‘peace-talks’.

The KNU delegation was led by its general secretary, Naw Zipporah Sein, while the government side was led by U Aung Min, the Minister in the President’s office.