KNPP completes the opening of its three liaison offices

KNPP completes the opening of its three liaison offices
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The Karenni National Progressive Party opened keep to ceasefire agreement with the government by opening its second and third liaison offices last week.


Khu Denia from the KNPP confirmed to Karen News.

“We agreed to open three liaison offices – this we have done. We have opened liaison offices in Loi Kaw, Hpasawng and the Shadaw area. We will work together with the government through these liaison offices to carry out the agreed to peace initiatives.”

The KNPP has opened a total of three liaison offices – First one in Loi Kaw on July 25, second was in Hpasawng on July 27 and third one in Shadaw on July 31.

Khu Denia said.

“We will work together with government to monitor the troop movements of both sides and will look at doing a ‘civilian centre development project’.”

The KNPP and government representatives reached a union level ceasefire agreement on June 9 – the opening of the three Liaison Offices was included in the 14 points agreed to at the peace-talks.

The KNPP was established in 1955 and currently has around 1,000 soldiers. In 1995, the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) signed a ceasefire agreement with the former military dictatorship’s State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC), but the ceasefire agreement was broken within three months.