Khonumthung News

The first meeting of the Chin National Front (CNF) Supreme Council was held in Washington DC, USA, February 22 to 24 February.
The move to open the Chin National Front’s (CNF) liaison office in Teddim, northern Chin state, has been welcomed by the Chin National Party (CNP), a...
The Kaladan Multi Modal Transit Transport (KMMTT) project is being surveyed by the Chin National Party (CNP) to assess the negative impact on the...
Northern Chin State: Residents of Teddim Township, northern Chin State, oppose the opening of a Chin National Front (CNF) liaison office as part of...
Government officials destroyed the homes of 17 Chin nationals in the village of Saikhumphai, Champhai District, Mizoram, northeast India, on January...
The President of the Chin National Party (CNP), Pu Zozam, is keen on celebrating the Chin National Day every February 20, which was started in 1950...
The delegation chosen by the Chin National Front (CNF) to meet with state-level government officials from Chin State for upcoming peace talks left...
The Chin National Front (CNF) successfully concluded its emergency conference on the Indo- Burma border between December 12 and 16.
The Chief Minister of Chin state, U Hung Ngai has summarily rejected a proposal to celebrate officially the 64th anniversary of the Chin National Day...
Burmese democracy activists settled in India staged a demonstration protesting against the visit of 20 Burmese ministers led by Turah Shwe Man,...
The authorities forcibly relocated some 30 households from a highway construction site in Paletwa Township, Chin State. The site was part the Indo-...
The largest cherry plantation will one day in Teddim Township, northern Chin State, Burma.
Burmese Army troops extorted 5 million kyats from livestock traders and local people in northern Chin state on November 29.
7 December 2011: In a surprise move this month, Mr. Win Tun, Union Minister for Forests, has provided over 1.5 million lakh kyats (one lakh equals...
The Chin National Party (CNP) conducted a workshop entitled ‘Rural development eye opening’ at threeC hin State towns last month.
