Khonumthung News

In the assembly session held yesterday, a representative each of two Chin parties were appointed ministers in the state by Mr Hung Ngai, recently...
The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and United National Liberation Front (UNLF) rebel groups from India are helping the Burmese Army fight the...
The Chin State head of the Health Department ignored a report from Thantlang Township health personnel to take action against an officer for cutting...
To prevent fire from spreading to farming areas during traditional jhum burning, local junta authorities have ordered farmers to make a 100 feet...
Unidentified motorcyclists have been frequently snatching necklaces and bags from pedestrians in Kalemyo, Sagaing division of Burma. Two motorcycle...
Members of the Union Solidarity Development Party (USDP) were elected to the posts of Chief, Assistant Chief and Chairman of the Chin State assembly...
Winter crops from Kalemyo, Sagaing division in upper Burma are being sold by cultivators in Mizoram State of Northeastern India due to falling prices...
U Tin Aung Ngui, a tax officer scolded and beat up Pengnawl a staff member on 13 January afternoon in Hakha township, Chin state. Pengnawl was...
Though the Burmese military junta has convened the three parliament houses on 31 January, some of the elected members are yet to procure 17 books of...
A Burmese Social Welfare Association (BSWA) group based in Mizoram northeast state of India is helping educates children of Burmese migrant workers...
Forced labour, which had eased somewhat before the November 2010 elections, is back. People are being forced to work for a monk and three military...
“According to the CNP we will mainly discuss ways to help the people suffering the effects of famine in Chin state. We will discuss how to provide...
In a bid at checking crime, M M Laskhera the Governor of Mizoram, northeast state of India, is keen on having a census done on Burmese nationals in...
That USDP candidates made promises during the November 7, 2010 elections they never meant to keep is becoming increasingly obvious. People in Chin...
At a meeting of representatives, of the two countries India gave Bolero LX vehicles, three motorcycles, three computers, a diesel generator (6KV),...
