Floods inundate 80 houses in Paletwa town

Floods inundate 80 houses in Paletwa town

Incessant heavy rains have caused floods in Kaladan River in Chin state inundating 80 houses in Paletwa town ...

Incessant heavy rains have caused floods in Kaladan River in Chin state inundating 80 houses in Paletwa town as of October 10.

“The Kaladan River began rising after the heavy downpour. Some furniture and other household goods went under water. A villager in Sei Sei reportedly drowned,” said a villagerin Paletwa.

The affected families have been given clothes and household items by the Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC).

The water level of the river has risen 30 feet inundating houses, markets and tea shops.

The floods have affected Indo-Myanmar traders, who cannot operate and are waiting for the water level to come down.

“Boats cannot operate in the river for a month,” said a woman trader.

Heavy rains and floods have affected communication and transport and destroyed crops in many parts of Chin state.

Chin farmers are worried about their crops as it is the harvesting season.