Lushai Welfare Organization changes name to accommodate all Chin

Lushai Welfare Organization changes name to accommodate all Chin

The Lushai ethnic people in Kaley-Kabaw, Sagaing division have changed the name of their organization the Lushai Welfare Organization....

The Lushai ethnic people in Kaley-Kabaw, Sagaing division have changed the name of their organization the Lushai Welfare Organization (LWO) to Mizo Welfare Organization (MWO) to accommodate all Chin tribes.

“The LWO can represent only Lushai people, but MWO can cover all Chin people,” said a Kalemyo local.

The Lushai Welfare Organization (LWO) was established on 22 February, 2004 with six objectives -- to look upon the military (Tatmataw) as a parent, to stand for the Tatmataw forever, to cooperate with the USDA, to work on the polices of Tatmataw, to support USDP in the November elections and to highlight the culture and literature of Lushai tribes and Chin ethnics.

After changing the name to MWO, the leaders had submitted all the information and its purpose to the concerned authorities on 22 September 2010.

“It is impossible to enroll all Chin people, who are not supporting Tatmataw in keeping with the objectives even if they change the name,” said a local.

The Lushai (Mizo) ethnic group in Kale, Kabaw areas in Sagaing division had requested the military regime that the township be named Lushai under Kale and Tamu districts. The government has agreed to have a parliamentary seat if the population is over 50,000 in these areas.

A source pointed out that the Lushai tribe alone could not meet the demanded population without taking into account other tribes in Tiddim, Falam and Hakha. The Lushai people are trying to have their own townships and self government in accordance with the 2008 constitution which makes it mandatory to have 1 percent out of the population of Burma.