NUP to finance its candidates

NUP to finance its candidates

The National Union Party (NUP) will provide Kyat 5 lakh to each of its candidates in Chin state for the forthcoming 2010....

The National Union Party (NUP) will provide Kyat 5 lakh to each of its candidates in Chin state for the forthcoming 2010 general election, western Burma.

“The NUP secretary Pu Halling at a meeting with party members in Falam town in the second week of July said all the party’s candidates will be given money for campaigning not only in Chin state but also in Kaya state,” said a member in Falam Township.

“People are saying that it is former leader Ne Win’s party and they do not have much interest as most of our candidates are poor. That’s why we need to give more effort to get people’s support. At the moment there are about 600 members of the NUP in Falam Township,” said a party leader.

Pu Nang Thang, Chin Progressive Party (CPP) said that the party has assets since the time of the Burma Socialist Program Party (BSPP). It is in a position to provide financial support to its candidates.

The nominated candidates of the National Union Party in the Falam township are Pu Thankim, Pu Lalthianghlim for a seat in State Legislature (region and state Hluttaw), Pu Santhang (retired township education director) for a seat in lower House parliamentary (Pyithu Hluttaw) . Pu Ca Mang (retired law & judicial official) and Pu Tet Maung (retired township education director) for a seat in Upper House (Amyotha Hluttaw).

There is no official announcement regarding the list of NUP candidates for other townships in Chin state.

The Election Commission allows Kyat 5 lakhs for each candidate for the forthcoming elections on 7 November in Burma.