2010 election an opportunity for Chin people: CNP

2010 election an opportunity for Chin people: CNP

The Chin National Party is of the opinion that the forthcoming 2010 general elections in Burma will open....

6 August 2010: The Chin National Party is of the opinion that the forthcoming 2010 general elections in Burma will open up opportunities for Chin people and therefore the chance of contesting the polls should not be lost.

The party is firm in its belief that the outcome of the election after 20 years will be good and it will help remove some long standing problems like the appalling condition people face in trying to eke out a livelihood, help solve language problems, preserve tradition and give a leg up to development in Chin state.

Since the junta has laid down the seven-step road map to democracy, it can usher in prosperity for the Chin people. And it is a sort of a salvation for Chin people. The CNP plans to contest in all nine townships in Chin state.

The party has set up township level working committees and sub-offices in Mindat, Kanpalet, Matupi and Falam Township in Chin state. The party’s president Pu Zozam and general secretary Salai Ceubikthawng are out campaigning and mobilizing voters in these areas.

On contesting the elections Pu Zozam told Mizzima, “For instance, there are 100 food plates, of these only 25 plates have takers, but we don’t want to waste the rest of the 75 food plates. We have to clear all these things like the time of having the food to achieve our goal.”

Meanwhile, Pu HC Ralhnin General Secretary of Chin National Council (CNC) said, “As people will cast their votes in the 2010 general elections, we don’t want to waste the votes. We have to do something in our national interest.”

The Chin National Party’s policy and manifesto will deal not only in affairs of the country but also fight for more self-determination, business, social and political issues, and religious and human rights issues in Chin state.

Besides, the party will strive to share equal power in the state and to utilize the area’s natural resources, to end illegal activities like collecting excessive money, uncalled for punishment, arbitrary arrests and forced labour n the state.