Chin politicians gear up for 2010 elections in Burma

Chin politicians gear up for 2010 elections in Burma
Chin politicians are gearing up for the forthcoming 2010 general elections in Burma even as the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) has announced the election law...

Chin politicians are gearing up for the forthcoming 2010 general elections in Burma even as the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) has announced the election law (code of conduct) on 8 March 2010.

“They cannot use the name ‘Chin League Party’ as it was derecognized in 1990 by the junta. They will select a similar name. But we don’t know how they will register,” said a Chin politician.

The junta had banned political parties CNLD (Chin National League for Democracy), ZNC (Zomi National Congress) and MPP (Mara People’s Party). Now Chin political activists are trying to set up a new party, which can represent all politicians in Thantlang, Matupi and Paletwa Townships in Chin state.

“We got one seat in the last election in 1990 in the name of the Mara People’s Party, so now we are trying for a party which can represent Mara people,” said a local in Paletwa town.

On the other hand, the Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) and National United Party (NUP) have already selected candidates for the 2010 general elections in Falam, Hakha, Thantlang and Tonzang townships before the Election Law was announced.

“The 2008 Constitution and 2010 Election Law are not a good deal for ethic groups. It is all loaded in the junta’s favour, but we have to do something on this,” said a student in Kanpalet Township.

In the 1990 elections, Chin state was divided into 13 constituencies and Chin National League for Democracy won four seats, Zomi National Congress won two seats, Mara People’s Party won one seat, National United Party won one seat and the National League of Democracy won four seats in Parliament.-