Chin political leaders urge people to restore democracy

Chin political leaders urge people to restore democracy
Chin political leaders, on the occasion of the 62nd anniversary of the Chin National Day, urged Chin people to abolish the landlord system once and for all and restore democracy in Burma...

25 February 2010: Chin political leaders, on the occasion of the 62nd anniversary of the Chin National Day, urged Chin people to abolish the landlord system once and for all and restore democracy in Burma.

Chin National Day was observed in Aizawl city, Mizoram northeast state of India on 20 February 2010. It was organized by the Chin National Council (CNC).

“It has been 62 years that Chin people have been under the landlord system in Burma and we have not achieved the demand of our earlier generations for democracy till today. So we have to fight continuously to get it,” said Dr. Lian Hmung Sakong, Chairman of CNC.

The convention with 5000 delegates attending was held on 20 February 1948 in Falam town. Chin state abolished the landlord system in the state and restored the democratic system, and that day has been called the Chin National Day.

“We celebrate Chin National Day every year. In reality we are Chin nationals by name only, because we do not have fundamental rights. Every Chin has the duty to stand up as a Chin national,” said Dr. Shwe Khar, Asst-General Secretary (1) of CNC.

Meanwhile, a Chin National Front statement urged people to unite as a family and to reject the landlord system of the military junta and restore democracy in Burma.

Chin National Day can only be held outside Burma. This is because the junta has changed the name to Chin State Day from Chin National Day in Burma. A Chin political leader Dr. Shwe Khar told Khonumthung that “There is no connection between Chin National Day and Chin State Day at all! Chin National Day was adopted by more than 5,000 Chin leaders who abolished the landlord system and started to practice the democratic system on 20 February 1948, whereas the Chin State Day is based on the 1974 Constitution.  The junta wants to eradicate Chin National Day. ”

Chin National Day was held in different places in the world. Groups of Chin people in Hakha, Chin state, Yangon city, Aizawl city and some states of USA observed the day.-