Permits for self supported construction needed

Permits for self supported construction needed
The Chairman of the Township Peace and Development Council, Kalaymyo, Sagaing Division in Western Burma issued an order early this month saying self-supported road construction ...

1 February - 2010: The Chairman of the Township Peace and Development Council, Kalaymyo, Sagaing Division in Western Burma issued an order early this month saying self-supported road construction in the region will not be allowed unless a proper application is submitted to the authorities.

A local from Kalaymyo told Khonumthung News Group that "If people in the region want to construct roads, bridges, churches among others for the development of the region, they need to apply and get permission from the TPDC office. The locals have to bribe the authorities, who were not getting money for such constructions. That is why the order was issued.

It is learnt that the order was issued by the TPDC authorities after it heard about the construction of a 20 mile metalled road between Kalaymyo and Aung Ywa Village by the local people.

"The road is muddy and vehicles cannot negotiate it in the rainy season. Locals collected money among themselves for the construction. The authorities heard about it and issued the order stopping the construction" said a local from Aung Ywa Village.

Dr. Than Bil Luai, a Catholic Church leader and Saya Mang Thang from Kalaymyo requested the authorities to withdraw the order but to no avail.

The road is the main motorable stretch. Passenger vehicles for 30 villages from the surrounding Aung Ywa village and over 200 vehicles ply daily on the road.

It is learnt that a similar ban by the authorities is on in Tamu District of Sagaing Division.

Khonumthung also received a report that the authorities and the local people would share the cost of construction of government buildings in some parts of Chin State.