Two USDA candidates for Tonzang and Chikha townships

Two USDA candidates for Tonzang and Chikha townships
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Khonumthung News
Two candidates have been nominated by the Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) in November for the Tonzang and Chikha constituencies in northern Chin state, western Burma...

Two candidates have been nominated by the Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) in November for the Tonzang and Chikha constituencies in northern Chin state, western Burma for the forthcoming 2010 general elections.

Mr. Zam Khen Thang a middle school teacher will be the candidate for the eastern Tonang Township and Mr. Thang Za Tuan former Deputy Director of Education will be the candidate for western Chikha Township.

The USDA has also selected Mr. Lian Kham Suan as a substitute candidate for the eastern zone and Mr. Thang Khan Dal as a substitute candidate for the western zone.

“We selected the four in the first week of November,” said a USDA member.

Though the military junta has not yet announced the election commission law and code of poll conduct, the USDA has nominated its candidates for Tonzang and Chikha constituencies. The USDA, however, has no yet selected the candidates for Tidim township constituency.

“They are making preparations before the election commission law is announced.” he added.

It is learnt that the people are not even remotely interested in the forthcoming 2010 general elections because they believe it cannot be free and fair.

In the 1990 general elections, the Zomi National Congress party was victorious in the Tonzang township constituency.