Alcohol consumption drops in Thantlang Township

Alcohol consumption drops in Thantlang Township
9 December 2009: In an interesting phenomenon consumption of alcohol in Thantlang Township, Chin state western Burma has come down making parents of youths happy...

9 December 2009: In an interesting phenomenon consumption of alcohol in Thantlang Township, Chin state western Burma has come down making parents of youths happy.

It is learnt that  the main reason could be because the license for making local wine is being handled by a Christian church group.

“The church group had purchased the license for making local wine for Kyat 26 lakh for 2009. Although there are some local wine makers in the townships, it is not able to increase wine production and induce drinkers. This has brought peace of mind for parents, especially at night. They can go to church and attend other festivals at night without being afraid of drunks,” said a church leader in Thantlang town.
The church group purchased the license two years  ago and it was backed by the chairman of the Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC) and a local youth group.

“We are religiously supporting this mission to eradicate social evils and drinkers who flout the law. The church group had purchased the license for Kyat 41 lakhs last year. The move was supported by both chairmen of town and block level peace and development councils. Our youth group instituted checks at entry gate in some areas,” said a leader of a youth group in Thantlang town.

Alcohol sellers bring the items from Hakha to Thantlang town. They pay Kyat 2000 for a bottle of RUM, Kyat 1000 for a bottle of OB and then they sell it for Kyat 6000 for RUM, Kyat 5000 for OB in Thantlang township.