Volunteer firemen given lessons on 2008 constitution

Volunteer firemen given lessons on 2008 constitution
The Burmese military junta while conducting volunteer fire fighting training programmes is also teaching the constitution to the trainees of the fire department in Kalemyo district, Sagaing Division in western Burma...

7 December 2009: The Burmese military junta while conducting volunteer fire fighting training programmes is also teaching the constitution to the trainees of the fire department in Kalemyo district, Sagaing Division in western Burma.

“The training period was for a month. We were taught not only fire fighting but also given lessons from the 2008 constitution,” said a local in Nwainpinta block of Kalemyo.

The trainers told them to campaign for government candidates among civilians for the forthcoming 2010 general elections. So they learnt details of the election chapter in the 2008 constitution.

Generally the trainees are men between the ages of 16 and 45. The training programme was held every week with 100 trainees.  At least 20 persons from each block had to go for the training. There are 30 blocks in Kalemyo district.

The military authorities gave Kyat 1500 per day to the trainees for their travel, lodging and food. The officials collected Kyat 2000 to 2500 from each family from all the blocks in Kalemyo.

In much the same way many people are being trained as volunteer firemen along with lessons on the constitution in different parts of Chin state and Tamu district in Sagaing division, Burma. – Khonumthung News.