Indian rebels construct road in Burma

Indian rebels construct road in Burma
An Indian ethnic insurgent group has constructed a motor road, which is 25 miles in length, from Khampat town, Sagaing division to Singtial village, Chikha Sub-township of Tonzang Township in Chin state ...

An Indian ethnic insurgent group has constructed a motor road, which is 25 miles in length, from Khampat town, Sagaing division to Singtial village, Chikha Sub-township of Tonzang Township in Chin state with the permission of the Burmese military junta.

The road was constructed between last September and October at an estimated Kyat 50 lakh.

“They hired local people for laying the road at Kyat 2000 per day. The main reason behind the construction of the road is the need to transport their rations,” a local in Khampat said.

The Indian rebels are active in the area of Chikha sub-township with the blessings of the military regime. They transport rations from Tamu and Khampat in Sagaing division.

“They purchase rations in Khampat and Kanan village areas, and then transport them by horses,” a local added.

A source said that local military personnel and leaders of the Indian ethnic insurgent group have friendship dinners every month.

The rebels have been located in Tonzang Township, Chin state since 2005. They are cooperating with the Wa armed group and the military regime of Burma by trading which brings in good profits.