TDPC fleeces people for renovating lake despite available funds

TDPC fleeces people for renovating lake despite available funds
The Hakha Town Peace and Development Council (TPDC) has collected donations of Kyat 6000 from each family for renovating the ‘Revolution Lake,’ locally called ‘Tawhlanye Kan’...

The Hakha Town Peace and Development Council (TPDC) has collected donations of Kyat 6000 from each family for renovating the ‘Revolution Lake,’ locally called ‘Tawhlanye Kan’. It is used as a source of drinking water for the public in Hakha the capital of Chin state, western Burma.

It is learnt that the collection of funds started in August through the block chairman of the TPDC in each block. But ironically, the local authorities have already received the sanctioned funds of Kyat 100 lakhs for the renovation of the lake from Mr. Myint Soe, northwest command commander of the junta, who visited Chin state early this year.  The donations being collected will be pocketed by the local authorities, it is alleged.

“The commander sanctioned Kyat 100 lakhs to revamp the lake for public use, but the chairman of the block peace and development council has recollected Kyat 6000 from each house,” said a local in Hakha.

Since the authorities have not informed when the lake will be reconstructed and what the new capacity would be for the number of people or how they will distribute the water, some people are reluctant to donate, he added.

Most of Hakha settlers mainly depend on mountain water which is carried by long pipes or bamboo, from the municipal department and the Roman Catholic Church, which provides drinking water for the people. Although a person can manage for himself, he still has to pay water tax to the municipal department.

Generally, local people in Hakha face water shortage during summer. However they  settle for rain water during monsoons.