Most educated youth in Kalaymyo jobless

Most educated youth in Kalaymyo jobless
Most educated youth are facing unemployment as there are very few posts under the Burmese government in Kalaymyo, Sagaing Division, Western Burma...

Most educated youth are facing unemployment as there are very few posts under the Burmese government in Kalaymyo, Sagaing Division, Western Burma.

According to a report, there are more and more educated students coming out from Kalay University in Sagaing Division. However, the students cannot get proper jobs with the government, so that makes it difficult for them to earn their livelihood.

“We can just work for a degree, but it cannot get us good jobs. We can only work as carpenters, bicycle and horse-tonga drivers in our place. Meanwhile, some others are working in foreign countries as labourers. We have to pay bribe, if we want to be in government service,” a local graduate said.

If a person wants to work as a teacher in Kalaymyo, he has to pay Kyat 50, 0000 to the authorities. At the same time, some teachers are not working in their appointed posts, but are staying in other locations, where they want to stay by bribing the authorities.

“Poor families cannot pay such huge sums of money. Many graduates in Kalaymyo area, therefore, are working as casual labourers, for their survival,” a person, who did not want to be identified, told Khonumthung News.

Similarly, many educated students in Chin State, are also facing such problems, so some are leaving for foreign countries and studying in Bible schools, in order to get decent jobs after completing their course.

“My brother has graduated four years ago, but he cannot get a proper job. Now he is studying at a Bible School in Rangoon,” a teacher in Matupi Township said.

In fact, many youths in Kalaymyo, Sagaing Division are pursuing their degree course, in the universities of Kalay, Rangoon, Pakhukuh, Sittwe, Mongywa, Mandalay and Mague. There are at least 100 graduates from those universities annually.