Chin National Front condemns sentencing of Suu Kyi

Chin National Front condemns sentencing of Suu Kyi
The Chin National Front (CNF) in a statement on August 12 has condemned the sentencing of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi to 18 months in detention by the court in military-ruled Myanmar...

The Chin National Front (CNF) in a statement on August 12 has condemned the sentencing of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi to 18 months in detention by the court in military-ruled Myanmar.

The statement highlighted that the court handed down a three-year prison term for violation of an internal security law as well as trespass by an American in her compound. But that was immediately commuted to half on the orders of Senior General Than Shwe. Moments after the verdict the court was told that it has been taken into account that Suu Kyi is the daughter of Myanmar independence hero Aung San. So she has been put under house arrest for 18 months. It is shameful and it shows that there is no law and order as well as a practicing justice system in the country.

The statement pointed out that the reason for arresting Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was to keep her away from the forthcoming 2010 general election in the country. It tantamounts to ignoring and challenging the UN and the international community.

The CNF General Secretary Mr. Paul said, “The military junta has already shown that they do not care for law and order but are doing whatever they want. The sentencing of Suu Kyi will keep her away when Burma holds its national elections. That is their main target.”

He added that the military junta has also shown they can challenge the UN and the international community. The statement said that if SPDC government wants to hold free and fair elections they have to release Suu Kyi and other political prisoners.

“We have already rejected the junta’s Seven-Step Road Map and 104 Constitution amendments. We therefore cannot accept the election guide lines in the 5th step of the 7 steps. They have to open the election for opposition parties and have to release Suu Kyi and other political prisoners. They have to remove injustice and restore law and order. Only then can there be free and fair elections under a democratic environment,” Mr. Paul said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Vanlian, Chairman of National League of Democracy (NLD) in Chin state also said that the way SPDC has treated Daw Suu is total injustice and all the people in Chin state are angry.

CNF said it cannot accept the forthcoming 2010 general elections. However, anyone who wants to be a candidate in the election has to keep in mind that it has to be for our freedom and for us to regain our rights.

CNF has been fighting for democracy, a federal state and self determination for over 20 years against Burmese military government.