Carson Baptist Church opens bible school for poor

Carson Baptist Church opens bible school for poor
The Mizoram based Carson Baptist Church has opened a bible school for poor people from Burma in Zarkawt block in Aizawl city capital of Mizoram in northeast India.

The Mizoram based Carson Baptist Church has opened a bible school for poor people from Burma in Zarkawt block in Aizawl city capital of Mizoram in northeast India.

A report said that most people from Burma couldn’t afford other bible schools in Mizoram state necessitating the opening of the school for them. The school is charging very little tuition fees. The students have begun enrolling from July 21.

“It is mainly for poor people, who want to serve the ministry in our country. So, we are operating without profit for the students and the ministry. A student who has completed the course has to be sent to Burma to serve the ministry,” said Mr. Robert, the head-master of the school.

The school is not sponsored by the government or other NGOs but by the Carson Baptist church by way of donation from church people.
The enrollment fee and the monthly fee is Rs. 500 each. There are nine students and five teachers at present.  It offers only B.Th 1st year classes. Higher classes will be started next year.

“Our bible school is totally dependant on the Carson Baptist Church as we are conducting classes inside the church for we cannot rent a separate building. We will be very grateful if we are funded by the government or NGOs,” he added.

He told Khonumthung News that they are planning to have a separate building, a new library and more faculties next year. Besides, they are trying to impart home tuition for students who cannot attend the class because they are holding jobs so that they can earn a degree from home. Although they have quite a few strategies and programmed, it cannot be fulfilled without financial assistance from outside their Church.