Poisonous snakes abound in Chin State post famine

Poisonous snakes abound in Chin State post famine
Many poisonous snakes have been seen in certain regions of Chin State, after the bamboo famine. According to a community health worker, based near the Indo-Burma border, adjacent to Paletwa District of Chin State ...

Many poisonous snakes have been seen in certain regions of Chin State, after the bamboo famine.
According to a community health worker, based near the Indo-Burma border, adjacent to Paletwa District of Chin State, poisonous snakes are being seen everywhere in the region and people are scared of these dangerous wild snakes.
These snakes are really dangerous for human beings. There are numerous poisonous snakes in the region. Especially, women and children are afraid to go out of the village and some have even been bitten by these snakes. These snakes are in abundance, especially after the bamboo famine.
Khonumthung News came across a similar report of increasing poisonous snakes in other regions as well. Locals reported seeing such snakes in Thantlang Township of Chin state.
"At the beginning of the rainy season this year, large numbers of poisonous snakes were seen in the area of Tluangram village and other nearby villages. People in the regions are facing lots of difficulties in working due to these harmful snakes," he said.
A Chin elder also mentioned that this kind of poisonous snake and (Lunghmul) had been found during the bamboo famine, which had happened in the last fifty years.
He also said, "We found not only snakes but also lots of "lunghmul" with poisonous hairs on its body, during the last famine, so I believe that such kind of "lunghmul" will also come up soon. "
The current starvation afflicting the Chin people is due to bamboo flowering and dying, which produced numerous rats, which destroyed the paddy and all kinds of crops and it is being followed by numerous poisonous snakes and grasshoppers.
Currently, the Burma Relief Center, Global Health Access Program, Open Society Institute and some Chin individuals have been assisting the Chin people with essential relief through Chin Human Rights Organization and the ground work is being implemented by the Chin Famine Emergency Relief Committee, Chin Humanitarian Relief Committee, Chin Public Affairs Committee, Women’s League of Chin land from across the Indo-Burma border.