Blood donors charged for blood tests

Blood donors charged for blood tests
In Falam Civil Hospital in Chin state, hospital staffs are charging Kyat 40,000 for testing the blood of donors for donation to patients in the hospital. Falam Civil Hospital has started testing for HIV virus in blood from all donors...

In Falam Civil Hospital in Chin state, hospital staffs are charging Kyat 40,000 for testing the blood of donors for donation to patients in the hospital.
Falam Civil Hospital has started testing for HIV virus in blood from all donors. But ironically, the voluntary blood donors have to pay a charge for testing, from their pockets, said a local.
“Actually all blood testing equipments and medicines are provided by UNICEF. We fail to understand why they are charging for testing donor’s blood even when they have received all the equipment they need,” he added.
A patient in Falam Civil Hospital undergoing an operation has to spend at least Kyat 15,000 including Kyat 5,000 for the bed.
“I had come for child birth. Although the operation was successful and I gave birth without complications, I spent Kyat 40,000 including Kyat 5,000 as bed charges,” a mother at the civil hospital said.
Most doctors in Falam Civil Hospital take away the medicines and medical instruments, which are provided by UNICEF, for private clinics they own.
“Township doctors are using all medicines and instruments from the civil hospital in their own clinics. This reduces the quantum of medicines at the civil hospital and puts the patients in a dangerous situation. They spend a lot of money buying medicines from outside,” a staff member of Civil Hospital said.
There are about nine township civil hospitals in Chin state and all are supported by medicines and medical equipments by UNICEF. A doctor can earn Kyat one lakh to two lakhs per month from UNICEF sponsors.