Illegally imprisoned duo released by junta

Illegally imprisoned duo released by junta
The Burmese military junta had illegally sentenced and imprisoned Mr. TlungLawi and his son-law Mr. Nichung of Kala village, Matupi Township, southern Chin state for three years in Pakokku prison, Makwe division, Burma. They were released on 21 February 2009...

The Burmese military junta had illegally sentenced and imprisoned Mr. TlungLawi and his son-law Mr. Nichung of Kala village, Matupi Township, southern Chin state for three years in Pakokku prison, Makwe division, Burma. They were released on 21 February 2009.

A source said that the authorities had arrested them for allegedly being involved in a gunfight between the Burmese Army and the Chin armed group during a football tournament in Matupi town under instructions from the Chin state Tactical Commander San Aung in 2005. They were not involved in the gunfight but the authorities accused them of supporting the rebel group. They were arrested under case 17/1 on 18 November 2005 and sent to prison for three by the Matupi based IB 304 regime.

Mr. Nichung said, "Two persons died in the firing and the families of deceased alleged that my wife's brother Mr. PengLawm killed the villagers.  Mr. PengLawm was not involved in the incident. The military arrested me and Mr. Tlunglawi instead of him and accused us of supporting the rebels. We were sentenced to prison for three years."

They were kept in Matupi prison for four months, after which they were sent to Pakokku prison, Makwe division on 28 April 2006.  They were released on 21 February 2009 after three years.

During their imprisonment, Mrs. Bawngi wife of Mr. Nichung was in custody in Matupi police station in order to prevent communication between the rebels and her till her husband and father were released.

After being released they were ordered to report once in two weeks to the Matupi police station. If they failed do so they would be imprisoned for six years the chief officer told them.

Nichung's family is afraid to settle down in Matupi town and they shifted to Lungler village in Than Tlang Township. Since they could not report to the police station once in two weeks, they fled to Mizoram state.