Mizoram police arrest Burmese nationals

Mizoram police arrest Burmese nationals
The police have been arresting more and more Burmese nationals staying illegally in Mizoram state, northeast India. A report said that four Chin people in a restaurant, run by the Burmese near Aizawl market and 50 Burmese who are engaged in handloom factories were arrested ...

The police have been arresting more and more Burmese nationals staying illegally in Mizoram state, northeast India.

A report said that four Chin people in a restaurant, run by the Burmese near Aizawl market and 50 Burmese who are engaged in handloom factories were arrested on June 13 by Mizoram police in Aizawl city.

The police arrested them from their work places or residents. They paid Rs. 500 a head as penalty and then they were released the same evening.

"There are 70 people. The weavers were taken by their householders by paying Rs. 500 to the authorities. They were arrested under the Foreigner’s Act but they were released by evening," said a Burmese in Aizawl.

Because of the arrests of Burmese people, most weavers and labourers are afraid to come out of their homes even on market days - Saturday  or the weekend. Mizoram state is totally dependent on Burmese weavers for weaving and handloom products, but the authorities often arrest them under the Foreigner’s Act and push them back them from the Indo-Myanmar border to their country.

The authorities of Mizoram state arrested and deported most Burmese people in Mizoram state in 2003, affecting weaving or handloom owners who could not continue with their business as their workers had been deported.

Home Minister R. Zirliana said that Burmese people involved in illegal and criminal activities have to be deported. Now the local police have started to arrest illegal settlers and who are involved in criminal activities.

Therefore, 40 Burmese including Chin people were arrested on  May 16, 2009, and then 38 people were deported to the Indo-Myanmar border. Most of the arrested people were engaged in various works and criminal activities.

There are about 100,000  Burmese people in Mizoram state from Chin state and Sagaing division of Burma. They work in weaving units, crush stones, and are into road construction, trade and house keeping.