Chin people disappointed with policies of Central Command Commander

Chin people disappointed with policies of Central Command Commander
The people of Chin state, western Burma are disappointed with the visit of Divisional Officer General, Tin Ngwe, for the development of the border area on April 9, 2009. The Central Command Commander had visited Teddim town, in northern Chin state ...

The people of Chin state, western Burma are disappointed with the visit of Divisional Officer General, Tin Ngwe, for the development of the border area on April 9, 2009.

The Central Command Commander had visited Teddim town, in northern Chin state on April 9, 2009 between 12 to 3 pm. He met departmental employees, elderly people, leaders of the Unity in Solidarity group, leaders of women’s organizations – a total of 70 members at the Town Hall.

During the meeting he encouraged them to report their needs for the development of the town and their problems, as well as to support the forthcoming 2010 general elections. He also asked the people to be careful regarding the elections and not to listen to the opposition parties’ campaigns. He then left for Kalemyo by car, at 4 pm.

“We are not interested in what he said, we had attended just to do our duty, because some military officers had come here during the Referendum and they had said that they would repair roads, schools, and hospitals if we supported them. Although we had voted for them, they did not do anything for us,” said one of those who attended the meeting.

He added that we had reported to the Central Command Commander regarding the construction of Sagaing division-Kalemyo and Chin state Teddim link road. He replied that he would submit the proposal to higher authorities.

In 2008, during the Referendum in May in Falam, Hakha and Than Tlang Townships, the opposition won and in Teddim, Ton Zang, Matupi, Mindat and Kanpalet townships the ruling junta won.