Immigration orders new identity cards

Immigration orders new identity cards
People in Paletwa town in southern Chin state have been ordered to apply for National Identity Cards as of early 2009 by the Immigration Department. A local said that there is neither any information nor explanation regarding this...

People in Paletwa town in southern Chin state have been ordered to apply for National Identity Cards as of early 2009 by the Immigration Department.

A local said that there is neither any information nor explanation regarding this. They ordered us to apply for the ID cards even if we had it already or it is over 18 years old. The new Identity Card will have to be made by paying Kyat 4500.

  “During the last referendum, we paid Kyat 2000 each for making identity cards. But now we have to pay Kyat 4500 per head. The card is exactly the same as the previous one. Without a doubt we are being taken for a ride and the authorities are making money at our expense,” he added.

Most villagers are going to apply for fresh identity cards at the Immigration Department office because they have no option. Employees of the Immigration department have been sent to remote areas also. There is no explanation why the cards are being issued after the referendum again and why the charges have been more than doubled.   

The Immigration Department is taking similar initiative in Kanpalet and Mindat townships, southern Chin state.

Human rights violation is rampant in southern Chin state compared to upper Chin state as transportation is very poor. Lack of communication comes in the way of reporting incidents on time.

Paletwa township is also among the affected places of Chin state where bamboo flowering has caused famine. People here are very poor and struggling for their livelihood, but the authorities, instead of providing help or relief are trying to extort money from them by ordering that they make National Identity Cards and pay land tax which is being increased annually.