USDA ready to contest 2010 general elections

USDA ready to contest 2010 general elections
The Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) has selected their candidates in Hakha city, Chin state for the 2010 general elections of Burma announced by the military junta...

The Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) has selected their candidates in Hakha city, Chin state for the 2010 general elections of Burma announced by the military junta.

The USDA has selected Mr. Thatmang and Mr. Ni Kung who had attended the military junta's national convention.  They are candidates from Hakha city for the 2010 general election.

"We had no chance to attend at the meeting of the USDA, but they selected me and Mr. Ni Kung as the candidates for the coming election," said Mr. Thatmang.

"Actually USDA has selected four candidates, but I don't know who the other two candidates are," he added.

In fact, USDA candidate Mr. Thatmang didn't want to accept the candidature of the NUP (National United Party) earlier, but now he has accepted the candidature of the USDA.

Regarding this Mr. Thatmang said that it's not good to make excuses as he had attended the national convention as a delegate.

A report said that though there was only one voting ballot boxes in Hakha city in the election in 1990, there will be four ballot boxes in the coming general election in 2010 for four candidates.

An official at the USDA office said that there will not be candidate for the USDA in the coming 2010 general election as USDA is just a social organisation.

However, Khonumthung News learnt that Mr. Thatmang who has been selected as a candidate said on 28 January 2009 that USDA has already selected its candidates.

USDA was established in 1993 by military chief general Than Swe. Though the organisation is not a political party, it will get involved and have candidates for the coming general elections.

Similarly, Kalemyo and Tamu based Lusei Welfare Organization is also prepared to participate in the coming SPDC's election.

In the 1990 election the National League for Democracy party won 80 per cent of the votes. However, the Burmese military government refused to hand over power. - Khonumthung News.