Chinese digging for nickel and uranium in Mwe Taung

Chinese digging for nickel and uranium in Mwe Taung
A Chinese company has been constructing roads even as it digs for nickel and uranium in the mountains of Mwe Taung in Chin state, Myanmar. Nickel and uranium have been discovered around Teddim Township ...

A Chinese company has been constructing roads even as it digs for nickel and uranium in the mountains of Mwe Taung in Chin state, Myanmar.

Nickel and uranium have been discovered around Teddim Township in upper Chin state. Now about 50 villagers are working on constructing a 12 feet wide road, which can help to carry out natural resources.

The villagers from Min Hla, Su Khin Ta and Myaihsein villages near the foothills are earning Kyat 2000 per day by working in the road construction site.

"The 12-feet wide road is under construction for taking out natural resources by trucks and other big vehicles," said a local.

A report said that the Mwe Taung Mountain was sold to a Chinese company in 2005 by the military government in spite of Chin people's reluctance. It is situated 15 kilometers from Kalemyo, Sagaing Division. The company started to discover natural resources from 2006 and now their staff members are opening an office near Kalemyo Road Transportation Cooperative (RTC) to look after all the things on the field.

The natural resources are the heritage of Chin ancestors. Selling it and taking them out without the approval of the Chin people is like condemning the whole nation of Chin people. The military junta must look into what is has done, said Paul Sitha, Secretary of Chin National Front in exile.

At the initial stage of independence, the world thought that Myanmar would become a developed country soon, but after 1962 when General Ne win took over power, all the rich natural resources were sold to foreign countries and now Myanmar is on the list of the poorest countries in the world.