Authorities collect meter box control bill

Authorities collect meter box control bill
The Electricity Department of Kalemyo, Sagaing Division in Burma, has collected electric meter control bills from civilians who have meter boxes but cannot provide electricity for the past three months...

The Electricity Department of Kalemyo, Sagaing Division in Burma, has collected electric meter control bills from civilians who have meter boxes but cannot provide electricity for the past three months..  
A report said that from last September the workers of the electricity department collected 500 kyats as meter box control bill from civilians without electric supply on a  regularly basis. 
A local told Khunumthung news group that when he asked to electricity department about power supply the staff said that there is not enough water and there were some defects in the machines, so that they could not provide electricity everyday.  
There are around 10,000 of meter box users in Kalemyo. They used to pay a monthly bill of Kyat 30,000 to the electricity department. At the same time military camps are provided power 24 hours through a VIP transmission line. The department disconnects the lines of those who cannot pay their monthly bill.  
Last year electricity supply was regular the whole year, but this year, from September it has not been so.  
The meter box users, therefore, turn to private electricity connection providers as they cannot use their meter boxes which the authorities provide. So local people have to pay monthly bills to private connection providers as well.  
The main source of power is the Yee Chaung hydro-electricity plant, which is two miles from Kalemyo, constructed with manpower of civilians in 1997.  
There are lots of problem regarding power supply in most townships and villages in Chin state. So, most use candles and lanterns.  
Though there is the HraLaung hydro-electricity plant in Matupi, the second capital of Chin state, it too cannot supply power to the town regularly. People are frustrated paying a monthly bill to the tune of Kyat 800 to 1000.