Gastritis afflicts Chin People!

Gastritis afflicts Chin People!
A section of Chin people are afflicted by gastritis given the irregularity of meals and lack of nutritious food, reports said. As such gastritis patients are increasing by the day and most are under medical treatment in neighbouring Mizoram state ...

A section of Chin people are afflicted by gastritis given the irregularity of meals and lack of nutritious food, reports said. As such gastritis patients are increasing by the day and most are under medical treatment in neighbouring Mizoram state in India. 

Mr. Unity, an official of Mara Thyutlia Py (MTP) Clinic, located near the border village of Mawhro in Saiha District of Mizoram state, told Khonumthung News Group that most of the patients are suffering from gastritis. They are from Matupi, Than Tlang and Hakha Township in Chin state.

"The main reason is that they do not have proper food at regular intervals. Some had been infected by other diseases as they lacked vitamins and nutritious food. Most of the children are also losing weight and do not have normal weight of their age level. It is the consequences of famine in Chin state," he added.

On the other hand, the MTP Clinic is busy day and night, as there is no other suitable clinic in Chin state. People do not have the money for medical treatment either.

Among the patients, most are females of ages between 10 to 35 years and they are suffering not only from gastritis but also malaria PF, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) and renal stone. At the same time, children are also suffering from typhoid, dysentery and lack of nutritious food.

The MTP Clinic is situated at a distance of four days journey on foot from Than Tlang Township. Usually there are around 30 patients in the clinic from Chin state every week. Most have been suffering from gastritis. However, no one has lost their life to the disease.

The MTP clinic has some problems like shortage of medicines as it is only backed up by NGO groups not the Burmese government and it provides all medical treatment free of charge for patients. According to its records there were 300 patients from Chin state last October.

The clinic was established by the Chin Public Affairs Committee in 2006. It provides free medical treatment for Chin people from 2008 as Chin state has been under famine like conditions and as a consequence health, education and the economy have been affected.