Starving Chin people in need of food

Starving Chin people in need of food
Because of the Burmese military junta's ignorance Chin people are still under famine like conditions and struggling for survival, said Mr. Manglai of Chin Public Affairs Committee (CPAC). Though they are receiving some aid from Chin ...

Because of the Burmese military junta's ignorance Chin people are still under famine like conditions and struggling for survival, said Mr. Manglai of Chin Public Affairs Committee (CPAC). Though they are receiving some aid from Chin people abroad, they still need help, he added.

"We cannot provide enough help for them as we are also facing financial problems. We had supported them with some bags of rice for some villages and they got only 20 kilograms per family, but after one week they began starving again," he added.

"It is better to give one bag of rice per family if possible for one month. Because they will do some work if they have stocked up on some food at home and continue with farming. Now they cannot give much time to cultivation as they are struggling to find food.

A source said that Paletwa, Thantlang and Matupi townships in Chin state are in a worse situation than other townships.

Although the villagers are into cultivation, production is much less compared to other years. And now they cannot give much time for cultivation because they have to look for food. Therefore, many Chin people are shifting and doing manual labour in Mizoram state.

Though the farming season is approaching, the villagers are disappointed.

In most areas Chin people are suffering from famine. The situation of the people depends on the villages or families. While some have food most do not. They are really in need of help, said Mr. Manglai.

Mr. Chan Thawng Ling, Chairman of the Chin Famine Emergency Relief Committee (CFERC) said, "The villagers are becoming hungrier by the day as their cultivated rice and vegetable were totally destroyed by rats. They need help. Now we are providing 180 bags of rice for nine villages in Paletwa Township and 110 bags of rice for five villages in ThanTlang Township."

From late 2006 bamboo began flowering and were eaten by rats which multiplied with their fertility rate going up from eating the flowers. The increasing number of rats attacked plants and rice godowns, leading to starvation from a famine like situation. Bamboo flowers every 50 years when its life cycle comes to an end. 

Most of famine victims are helped by Mizoram based organizations like the Public Affair Committee of Chin Land (PAC), Chin Humanitarian & Relief Committee (CHRC),Chin Famine Emergency Relief Committee (CFERC) and other religious organizations inside Myanmar.