Foot and mouth disease among Mithuns suspected in Chin State

Foot and mouth disease among Mithuns suspected in Chin State
Foot and mouth disease among Mithuns is being suspected in the northern part of Chin state after 20 of the animals were stated to have died. In October 17 Mithuns died in Haicin village, Tonzang Township, a local said ...

Foot and mouth disease among Mithuns is being suspected in the northern part of Chin state after 20 of the animals were stated to have died.

In October 17 Mithuns died in Haicin village, Tonzang Township , a local said.  

Initially, villagers were unable to fathom why the Mithuns were dying.

But later they slaughtered one and realized that it was because of the foot and mouth disease. They buried the carcasses of the animals.  

Although villagers had informed the authorities, officials did not respond and no provision was made to check the disease. The villagers are worried about the disease spreading and infecting other Mithuns, he added.  

It is learnt that this disease happens every year during this season. The villagers are unable treat their animals as they do not have the money to afford travel costs and food for medical personnel who have to come and check the animals.

Now the Mithuns are dying everyday and the Burmese military junta has sounded no medical alert or made arrangements for treatment by the government medical department. Villagers are extremely worried. There are 70 Mithuns in Haicin village and the market price of a cow is over Kyat 2 lakhs.  

Government records of 2006-2007 show that there are 4027 mithins in Tidim, 687 in Tonzang, 4736 in Thantlang, 5902 in Falam, 1340 in Haka, 1515 in Chikha, 223 in Rih township. The reason is that the regime had told villagers to increase the number of their domestic animals and had given some loan to them.  

Regarding the record, a Chairman of a village from Thantlang Township said, "They never come and check our domestic animals. They may ask our neighbouring villages, but the authorities never come to us and check our livestock. It is strange that they have any record of the animals!"  

He added that the government cannot have the exact figure of Mithuns on their list. Because the villagers know that they have to pay more tax to the government if they report the exact number. So villagers report only a few of their animals.