Junta lists population and property in Falam Township

Junta lists population and property in Falam Township
In an inexplicable move the local authorities of Falam Township Peace and Development Council have listed the population and their properties in Falam town, northern Chin state of Burma last month, locals said...

In an inexplicable move the local authorities of Falam Township Peace and Development Council have listed the population and their properties in Falam town, northern Chin state of Burma last month, locals said.

"The TPDC authorities from Falam made lists of the people and properties they own such as electronic items and domestic animals in Falam town," said a local in Falam.

Though it is not clear what the motive behind the move of the authorities is, a government employee in Falam town assumed that the registration of the population might have a connection to the Burmese military junta's planned election to be held in 2010. Officials are recording the list of properties to prevent people avoiding taxes in the future.    

 "It is very likely that the authorities had compiled a list of people to confirm the exact number of voters for the 2010 elections," a government employee said.

 "Another reason is to make sure there is no avoidance of taxes in 2009," he added.

At present, the locals pay Kyat 60,000 for a computer, Kyat 20,000 for a television and Kyat 40,000 for TV dish antenna per year as tax to local authorities.  

Compiling population and property lists at the village level in Falam Township was done before September.

There are no reports as to whether similar activities are on in other townships in Chin state.