Burmese Army officer tries to rape two women in Chin state

Burmese Army officer tries to rape two women in Chin state
A Burmese Army officer allegedly attempted to rape two women in Matupi Township in southern Chin state, Burma on August 30..

A Burmese Army officer allegedly attempted to rape two women in Matupi Township in southern Chin state, Burma on August 30.

Captain Khant Kyaw from LIB (304) military camp stationed in Lailenpi village in Matupi Township is said to have attempted to rape a woman named Daw Si Si (66) and her daughter (27) in the jungles on the way to a farm in Lailenpi village, according to villagers in Lailenpi.

On August 30, Captain Khant Kyaw was leading soldiers on patrol and came across Daw Si Si (name changed) and her daughter in the jungle. The Captain asked the soldiers to proceed.

After the soldiers left the Captain asked Daw Si Si and her daughter to undress at gunpoint and reportedly tried to rape them.

"He asked us to take off our clothes and tried to rape us. He said if we refused he will shoot us with his pistol," Daw Si Si told Khonumthung's correspondent.

After the two women kept refusing, the Captain opened fire twice in the air. On hearing the gunshots the soldiers turned back to the spot. The Captain abandoned his devious plan to rape the two women, according to Daw Si Si.

Daw Si Si's daughter is a mother of two children. She was four months pregnant when the Captain was trying to rape her.

Hearing of the incident, a women's group from Lailenpi reported the rape attempt to the camp commander. However, Captain Khant Kyaw kept on denying that he had tried to rape them.

"Since the Captain denied that he attempted to rape the women, we plan to report the incident to the Tactical commander of Chin state stationed in Hakha Town," a woman from Lailenpi said.

Early this month, Captain Khant Kyaw seized three cows that Lailenpi villagers planed to smuggle to India.