Construction of school with money from residents

Construction of school with money from residents
Local Burmese military junta authorities are constructing a middle school in Letpanchaung village in Kalay Township, Sagaing division in Burma with funds collected from villagers ...

Local Burmese military junta authorities are constructing a middle school in Letpanchaung village in Kalay Township, Sagaing division in Burma with funds collected from villagers.

"Though the central military regime had sanctioned funds for construction of a two-storey school the local authorities have taken money from the people," a Letpanchaung villager said.

The junta authorities in Nayphidaw, the new administrative capital of Burma sanctioned around Kyat 6,000,000 (Burmese currency) for the construction of the school which began in April.

"The local authorities had collected money from January to March this year," a villager from Letpanchaung said.

The funds collected range from Kyat 2000 to 2500 per household from Letpangchaung village where 250 households reside.

The money was collected in two ways. Traders and high income groups paid Kyat 2500 while low income families including manual workers paid Kyat 2000.

Moreover, the authorities also forced each household in Letpanchaung village to provide Kyat 5000 and one tin of rice (equal to 43 kg) for construction workers' wages.

The construction of the middle school is expected to be completed before the reopening of the school in June, 2009.