Landslide disrupts road network in northwest Burma

Landslide disrupts road network in northwest Burma
by -
Khonumthung News
A massive landslide in early June in northern Chin state has brought transport services to a standstill in northwest Burma for about two months. The road condition is a little better after use of forced labour.

A massive landslide in early June in northern Chin state has brought transport services to a standstill in northwest Burma for about two months. The road condition is a little better after use of forced labour.

A landslide occurred near Webula village - around 45 miles from Falam Township in Chin state - on the road that links Falam - Webula - Natchuang � Kalay. It is said to have swept away the land around 200 feet in height.

The halt in the transportation system has created a huge impact on businessmen in Kalay and Falam areas as they cannot use the road, a trader from Falam town said.

The traders and people from northern Chin state relied on the landslide damaged road to export domestic animals, fruits and vegetables from Chin state to Kalay and imported rice and other essential commodities into Chin state from Kalay.

To break the deadlock in road communication between Falam and Kalay, Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC) authorities from Falam Township forced 50 villagers from Webula into road reconstruction work from July 15.

The villagers forced to work on road reconstruction did not receive tools and food from local authorities, according to villagers from Webula village.   

"We didn't receive any supplies from them, we arranged everything that is necessary for road reconstruction and widening work," a villager from Webula complained.  

Though the road was unusable initialially, now motorcycles and other two wheelers have started plying on the road after forced labuor, said a local from Falam town.

However, the reconstruction has a long way to go to restore the road because there is no proper equipment and machine needed to widen it at the site, locals from Falam town added.