CAD to combat malaria in Chin state

CAD to combat malaria in Chin state
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Khonumthung News
A Rangoon based Non-Government Organization; Country Agency for Rural Development (CAD) has pledged to begin another project to combat malaria in remote areas of Chin state, Burma in September this year.

A Rangoon based Non-Government Organization; Country Agency for Rural Development (CAD) has pledged to begin another project to combat malaria in remote areas of Chin state, Burma in September this year.

With the help of Three Disease Fund (3DF), CAD will implement its project in some areas of Thangtlang and Hakha Townships in Chin state in the next two months.  

"Initially, we will begin our project in remote areas in Thangtlang and Hakha. And then we will expand our network to other areas," Joseph Kung Za Hmung, director of CAD said.

The 3D fund has agreed to fund US $ 200,000 in combating malaria in Chin state and will sign an agreement with CAD this month.

"Though the fund from 3DF will come in early 2009 we will start implementing the project in September," Joseph Kung Za Hmung added.

In 2006, CAD had conducted a survey on malaria affected population in Leikang, Sate, Hrangpi (A) and (B) villages in Matupi township, Hnaring, Far then, Seng Tung, Tisen (A) and Tisen (B), Sur Ngen, Thang Aw and Khuahrang villages in Thangtlang township and Leipi village in Hakha township where around 10,322 people reside. Among the 10,322 about 5,852 (55 percent) were found to be afflicted by malaria.

According to a survey by the CAD conducted in the same areas in 2007, it could reduce the number of malaria affected people from 5,852 (55 per cent) to 2,496 (24 per cent).

CAD has four special nurses and 26 volunteer workers involved in combating malaria in Chin state.

"Though we have no medical expert in the field we try our best with the work force we have," Joseph said.

CAD has been working on rural development work like bridge construction, women's empowerment, education, providing sanitation toilet bowls and motor road construction in Chin state, one of the most backward states in Burma , since 2004.

According to the director of the CAD, it has already submitted another proposal to Brigadier Hung Ngai, Chairman of Chin State Peace and Development Council on constructing a bridge which will connect Hnaring village from Thangtlang to Sate in Matupi.