Pro-democracy activists protest outside Burmese embassy in India

Pro-democracy activists protest outside Burmese embassy in India
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Khonumthung News
The Burmese embassy in New Delhi, India saw renewed agitations today when over 35 Burmese pro-democracy activists staged a demonstration outside the embassy calling for the immediate release of democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi and other political prisoners.

The Burmese embassy in New Delhi, India saw renewed agitations today when over 35 Burmese pro-democracy activists staged a demonstration outside the embassy calling for the immediate release of democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi and other political prisoners.

"We came here to demand the release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and other political prisoners in Burma who have been illegally detained by the junta. We also condemn the regime for arresting social workers who were involved in helping Cyclone Nargis survivors," Mr. Kim, coordinator of Shwe Gas Movement (India) told Khonumthung News.  

The protesters held aloft anti-junta posters and shouted slogans calling on the Burmese regime to allow international aid workers and grant them full access to cyclone affected areas.

The protesters, to drive the point home sprayed the words "Free Aung San Suu Kyi! Free Burma! And Stop killing!" on the brick wall of the Burmese Embassy building.   

The Burmese demonstrators submitted a memorandum to U Kyi Thein, the Burmese Ambassador in India, urging him to take up the matter with the military government in Burma.

"Urgent action needs to be taken by the military regime in allowing and granting visas for international aid workers and also allow them unrestricted access into the affected Irrawaddy delta," the memorandum submitted to the Burmese ambassador said. 

The demonstrators also demanded that the Burmese government allow free movement of political parties inside Burma and asked the Ambassador to change sides from the military government to the people of Burma.

The demonstration lasted all of 20 minutes. There was no intervention from Indian police forces.