Landlord arrested for attempting to rape minor Burmese girl

Landlord arrested for attempting to rape minor Burmese girl
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Khonumthung News
A landlord, an Indian national, was arrested by the Mizoram police for attempting to rape a minor Burmese girl. The molestation attempt on the girl from Chin State in Burma was made at her work place in Aizawl, capital of Mizoram state, northeast India yesterday.

A landlord, an Indian national, was arrested by the Mizoram police for attempting to rape a minor Burmese girl. The molestation attempt on the girl from Chin State in Burma was made at her work place in Aizawl, capital of Mizoram state, northeast India yesterday.
The National Domestic Worker's Movement Welfare Trust (Mizoram Unit) has filed a case in the police station in Aizawl that Raju tried to rape his housekeeper Ma Chin Chin (16 ) ---name changed --at home at around 4  p.m. on May 30.
The police arrested Raju from his home in Bawngkawn ward in Aizawl. The accused is being detained in Bawngkawn police station.
Raju tried to assault Ma Chin Chin who has been working in his home as a domestic help for about a month. Ma Chin was paid Rs. 800 per month.
Incidents of Burmese women being sexually abused in Mizoram by landlords and employers are not uncommon.
 "We have found that such incidents occur frequently to Burmese women here. The problem is that the victims are unaware of how to sue them within the legal framework, " said Ko Hla Win, In-charge of Migrant department in NDWMWT.
"Only after five or six months have elapsed following a molestation attempt that they come to us for help. We face difficulties in filing cases against the perpetrators given the delay," Ko Hla Win added.
This is the first time NDWMWT has filed a case against a culprit who attempted to molest his Burmese housekeeper.
According to NDWMWT, there are around 1,000 Burmese women who are working as domestic helps in Aizawl. They get paid between Rs. 800 to Rs. 1000.
The National Domestic Worker Movement Welfare Trust (Mizoram Unit) was set up in 2006 with the aim of helping settle various problems that the women in Mizoram are facing.