Vote 'No' sweeps polling in parts of Chin state

Vote 'No' sweeps polling in parts of Chin state
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Khonumthung News
Voting results in the constitutional referendum held on May 10 reveal most people rejected the draft constitution in northern parts of Chin state, Burma .

Voting results in the constitutional referendum held on May 10 reveal most people rejected the draft constitution in northern parts of Chin state, Burma .
The 'No' votes outnumbered 'Yes' votes in Hakha, Thangtlang and Falam townships in northern part of Chin state.
The polling results in Shwe Pyi  Tar ward alone in Hakha town, capital of Chin state showed that of 596 of votes 3471  were 'Yes'  and 121 were 'No'.
Among 2458 voters In Thangtlang, 368 cast "Yes" votes and 1839 voted 'No'. About 251 of voters did not cast votes.
On the contrary, sources in Chin state said that 70 per cent of voters approved the constitution in polling stations in Tedim and Tonzang townships respectively.
Khonumthung News is also trying to ascertain the exact vote count in two townships where the people cast their ballot in favour of the new charter.
Earlier on May 10, soldiers in Tedim town cleared Vote 'No' posters and pamphlets scattered on the streets of Tedim. It is not known whether voting was rigged.
"As far as I know, there is no report of the authorities harassing voters in polling stations in Tedim and Tonzang townships," source in Chin state who anonymity said.
However, two Ward Peace and Development Council members entered No (4) polling booth in Thangtlang town and forced voters to tick the 'yes' vote yet the majority of voters marked 'X' on their ballots, a voter in Thangtlang said.
Vote results from townships in southern part of Chin state are as yet unknown.
But most people in Matupi town voted to approve the constitution in pre-poll.
"I was told by a sub-commission member to monitor the polling stations and whether I would like to cast my ballot in advance in which case I would have to mark 'yes,' said a local who cast his ballot in advance as he had to travel.
"'Like me a lot of people voted 'Yes' in the pre-poll," he added.