Gospel Baptist Church's Silver Jubilee postponed

Gospel Baptist Church's Silver Jubilee postponed
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Khonumthung News
The Burmese military regime is pressurizing the Gospel Baptist Church in Falam Town in Chin state, to celebrate the church's Silver Jubilee ahead of the eferendum to approve the constitution.
The Burmese military regime is pressurizing the Gospel Baptist Church in Falam Town in Chin state, to celebrate the church's Silver Jubilee ahead of the eferendum to approve the constitution.

The Gospel Baptist Church in Falam had planned to celebrate its Silver Jubilee in the second week of May. However, the Township Peace and Development council (TPDC) authorities pointed out that the date set for the jubilee celebration is far too close to the referendum date on May 10.

The authorities asked the jubilee celebration ommittee to advance the date to April 25. "The jubilee committee has finally agreed to celebrate on April 25 because the authorities pressurised them," said a member of the GBC.

The Gospel Baptist Church's Silver Jubilee will be celebrated from April 25 to 27. The Burmese junta
announced last week that it will hold the nation wide referendum on May 10 to approve the draft constitution.

The new charter is said to be designed to legitimize military rule in Burma. It also bans democracy icon
Noble Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi from contesting the elections as her husband was a British national.

The military regime scrapped the 1974 constitution after it grabbed power in 1988. Since then, the country has been under military rule.