CNF leaders will attend NCCT meeting

CNF leaders will attend NCCT meeting
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On July 24th, five of the Chin National Front Nation’s (CNF) top leaders will attend a meeting of the Nationwide Ceasefire Coordination Team (NCCT), a group which has been negotiating a nationwide ceasefire with Naypyidaw on behalf of armed ethnic groups. The meeting will be held in Laiza, the headquarters of the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO).

The CNF leaders attending the meeting include CNF Chairman Dr. Za Hlei Thang; CNF General Secretary Pu Zin Cung; CNF Foreign Affairs Secretary Salai Tala; and CNF Supreme Council members Pu Thang Lian and Pu Thang Nang Ki.

Salai Tala—who is also a member of an umbrella group representing ethnic armed groups called the United Nationalities Federal Council—told Khonumthung that “The meeting will be held twice. The first is for members of the NCCT and the second is ethnic armed revolution’s top meeting.”

He added that CNF members attending the meeting will review the draft agreement between the NCCT and the Burmese government’s Union Peace Working Committee (UPWC), a committee which has been negotiating the nationwide ceasefire on behalf of the Burmese government.

In the second draft of the nationwide ceasefire agreement, there are 33 points which must be negotiated between the UPWC and the NCCT.

Previously, the CNF’s Supreme Council and Central Working Committee meeting selected five people to attend an NCCT meeting that was held from 16 to 19 July on the Thai-Myanmar border.