New monthly news journal to be published in Chin state

New monthly news journal to be published in Chin state
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Khonumthung News Group will start publishing a monthly print newspaper in Burmese in May. The news group just received the green light from the Ministry of Information and Publication Department (Copyrights and Registration Division). A registration card was issued for the monthly publication on March 22.

Editor-Chief-EditorFor the last decade, Khonumthung has been providing timely and relevant online news for Chin populations both in Myanmar and internationally.

The editors decided it was time to start publishing a print journal to reach a larger audience to highlight the many changes occurring during Myanmar transition into a democracy, mainly those who don’t have access to internet in Chin state, Kalemyo Township in Sagaing Region and western Myanmar.

Khonumthung will also help develop 10 other unregistered news group in Chin state.