Second Round Of CNF Peace Talks

Second Round Of CNF Peace Talks
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The second phase of the Union level peace talks between the Chin National Front (CNF) and the central government will be held in former capital Rangoon soon.

Pu Zing Cung, CNF Secretary General and Pu Thomas Thangnou, member of the Supreme Council, and retired CNF’s President, will lead the team.

The CNF will discuss Burma’s transition and other relevant political issues during this second round of peace talks. CNF and central government delegations held the first phase of peace talks at Pyidaungsu hall in Chin State capital Hakha. Both sides agreed on 15 points for the peace process but it was decided other issues would be brought to the table in the upcoming meetings.

The CNF has already opened liaison offices in Matupi, Than Tlang and Teddim Town. Chin National Army (CNA) camps are also being set up. Trading has started along the Indo-Burma border road No.2, following an agreement between the two sides.

The 52-member peace committee was set up by the Thein Sein government to usher in peace in Burma. Recently, CNF also formed a peace committee with 23 members made up of the political party’s leaders.