Ethnic Leader Visits Chin State After Spending Twenty Years In Exile

Ethnic Leader Visits Chin State After Spending Twenty Years In Exile
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Supreme Council member of the Chin National Front (CNF) Dr. Lian Hmung Sakhong held a public consultation meeting to about 700 people. The meeting that was organized by the CNF’s Public Consultation Organizing Committee was held at the Diamond Jubilee Hall on Nov.5 in Than Tlang in Chin State.

DSC014621-150x150The exiled Burmese ethnic leader who resettled to Sweden also participated a similar meeting in capital Hakha from Oct.31-Nov.2 where he discussed democracy, human rights and federalism.

Before travelling to Chin State, Dr. Lian Hmung Sakhong addressed “The 2008 Constitution and Ethnic Issues: To what extent did it satisfy the aspirations of various Ethnic Groups?” seminar organized by Myanmar Egress and Peace Research Institute Oslo in Rangoon from Oct.13-14. He will also visit the CNF’s camp on the Indo-Burma border during his trip.