Training Course For Chin National Army Concludes

Training Course For Chin National Army Concludes
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A training course for the Chin National Army (CNA), held on the Indo-Burma border for the first time since they started fighting about twenty-five-years ago, has recently been completed.

The training, designed to refresh the soldier’s skills, was organized by CNF’s military affairs committee. Seventeen members from the CNF’s Supreme Council, Central Executive Committee and Central Committee also attended the training, which took place during the last week of October.

“This is the first time a training course (of this kind) was held during CNF’s revolution. Theoretical knowledge was an important part of the training. The next one will be on practical training,” said CNF Military Affairs Secretary Pu Solomon.

Public relations that can be used on the field were the main focus of the training.

CNA personal will need skills to maintain good relationships with locals after they set up camps following recent agreements with the central government.

Chins who have resettled to North America foot the costs for the training.